Alimony Lawyer in Roswell & Alpharetta

When a divorce is completed, often one spouse is forced to make alimony payments to the other spouse. Also called spousal support, these payments are intended to allow both parties to maintain a lifestyle similar to what they had before the divorce.

Defending yourself in a divorce proceeding is crucial to not end up with an unfair ruling in terms of alimony payments.

Elyssa Williams is experienced in Georgia divorce cases and will fight hard for your rights.

Lawyer for alimony in Roswell or AlpharettaThere are a number of different factors that the court will weigh when deciding if alimony is warranted in a particular case, and how much the amount should be.

Among those factors are –

  • Income of each spouse as an individual
  • Future earning prospects for both parties
  • Living situation and lifestyle before the divorce
  • Background of both individuals’ work history
  • Any extenuating circumstances that limit one party being able to support themselves

Alimony can be awarded on a permanent or temporary basis depending on the specifics of the case.

Often, temporary alimony is put in place when an individual is deemed to need time to get ‘on their feet’ and establish their own career.

If one spouse was earning all of the money for the couple, that spouse will have to make alimony payments for at least a period of time. If the other spouse is unable to support themselves for any reason in the long term, alimony payments may be a permanent part of the divorce settlement.

Call the office of Elyssa Williams today for a free consultation on your case.

We will work hard to make sure that you are being treated fairly.

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